Keeping firearms in the house is both a safety precaution and a hazard. In a jack-of-all-trades home, there are a lot of things that can be dangerous to your loved ones, so it helps to have a designated hiding place to keep them.

These items which appear unsuspecting will not only aid in keeping your valuables hidden but also in making sure your family is safe too. This is where secret compartment furniture comes in. These items which need to be concealed from prying eyes, also need to be ready at arm’s length, too. Why Do You Need Secret Compartment Furniture?Ĭontrary to popular belief, your home is not merely a fortress protecting you from external dangers it is also a personal safe haven where one can store their most important documents, precious heirlooms, emergency cash, and firearms. It’s a sad thing, but what if I’ll tell you that it’s preventable? Say goodbye to being candy-less, to awkward, and even dangerous discoveries with multi-purpose hidden compartment furniture. If you think getting specific furniture to hide your secret or priceless things is too extreme, then tell that to the last person whose kids found his secret stash of candy. But, do you know what everybody doesn’t have? Secret compartment furniture. Your purchase of these products through affiliate links helps to generate commission for, at no extra cost. There is also a variety of hidden magnetic locks that you could purchase online and in hardware stores.Ībove is the magnetic lock system used in the instructable as well as an alternative setup as described above.(Many of the links in this article redirect to a specific reviewed product. It would open by pushing the magnet down with the opposite side of another magnet. Other locking systems could include having the rod go up into the table surface instead of the sides. Test that the rod goes through and using the strong adhesive, stick the tube so that the open side is flat against the side wood. Now add the spring and rod to the magnet (I used their magnetic properties to keep them together without adhesive). Then mark where the metal rod will go through the side wood and drill a hole big enough for it to slide past but small enough to prevent it from jiggling. Place a cap to prevent the magnet from exiting the back end of the tube. Firstly, cut the tube so that the magnet has enough room to slide back and forth while preventing the rod from exiting the side wood. I also added a spring to make it automatically lock. Additionally, you could also position the lock so that the rod goes into the side drawers as well allowing you to effectively have a lock for two compartments on the table. The magnet will have a rod attached that protrudes out past the drawer which will effectively go into the side of the table. For my system, you will have a horizontal tube that holds the magnet.

I decided to use a magnetic system because it doesn't require an evident opening or key hole. There are a variety of locking systems that you could use. Take the dimensions of the railings as well when planning. The top wood of my table surface was also much thicker and stronger than the sides. This also allowed me to place the locking mechanism facing the side wood. This is because I will not be storing heavy items. Where do you want your railings or sliding mechanism? Usually they are placed on the sides but I decided to attach them to the top. Where do you want the locking system so that it doesn't interfere with the functionality of the drawer? Keep it away from magnetic materials that could effect its motion or devices that could get damaged. You could either paint it, plaster it or use matching wood. Think of ways to match the secret drawer with the rest of the table. Decide what you want to carry in the drawer and calculate how much it would weigh to determine what materials and dimensions to use. Take note that a person must still be able to comfortably sit without the drawer interfering with leg space. These are some of the points you may need to consider for this project: - For my table I had to make sure that I didn't drill into the other side drawers which could prevent them from opening. Draw out a plan to provide you with all the specifications. For this particular project you need to be fully aware of the dimension, sizes and restrictions that could effect the outcome. Before you start with a task, you should always have a solid plan and understanding of the project.